
Normally, as a rule, I would agree that political differences only seem insurmountable and that there is always a way. However, only rational actors can find common ground. If both are not rational actors, then there is no possible way to bridge the differences. This is especially true when the irrational person requires you to make impossible demands as a prerequisite to further dialogue. When someone insists that the world is flat and demands that you admit it, you simply can't unless you lie. So it is with someone who insists I'm a communist baby-blood drinker and demands that I admit it. Or demands I step aside and allow them to make Donald Trump the first king of America. Sometimes, there is no common ground. What is the best we can hope for in such situations?



James F. Stephens, J.D.

Historian, J.D., writing from the Berkshires about history, ethics, and justice. Keen interests in art and nature.