Supreme Court, Trump, and Biden

Revolutionary War Ends Up Being A Big Waste of Time Afterall

Supreme Court commits treason of the highest order as the ridiculous Jill and Joe Biden Air Force One ego trip continues

James F. Stephens, J.D.
2 min readJul 2, 2024


Destruction, from The Course of Empire by Thomas Cole (1836)

My thoughts from last night, July 1st

I’m still shocked this evening at the six justices’ betrayal of the rule of law. It will take the citizenry a while to see, but the country formed on September 17, 1787, died today. A new government with effectively no limits on the chief executive has now taken its place. The checks and balances that sustain our republic will fade away to meaninglessness. The laws and legal precedents developed since 1787, including the various guaranteed freedoms, are now window dressings to give cover to abuse. Will all the various regions of the nation be willing to live under the inevitable dictatorship that will arise sooner or later as a result of this abominable ruling? The MAGA-Six Supreme Court majority has urinated on the graves of the heroes buried at Arlington, Colleville-sur-Mer, and all around this nation, the seas, and the world. It’s a nightmare for patriotic American citizens. Like most who have spent a lifetime in the law, I’m heartbroken tonight. MAGA has destroyed us…



James F. Stephens, J.D.

Historian, J.D., writing from the Berkshires about history, ethics, and justice. Keen interests in art and nature.